Pharmaceutical, healthcare, technology, and energy clients include: the Johnson & Johnson companies, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York Blood Center, AT&T, Lucent and Exxon among others.
Associations and certifications
- New York Women in Film and TV,
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Stock Footage Library, Researchers & Consulting
Licensing: TimeSteps Stock Footage Library licenses over 3000 titles, spanning over 60 years of world history. The collection includes newsreels, industrials, and educational films, along with silent films and entertainment shorts from 1895-1960. From the earliest footage of the immigrants at Ellis Island, through the World Wars and the Great Depression, right up to the "life of Riley" lisfestyles of the 1950s, TimeSteps provides vintage black and white film footage on most videotape formats.
Research: Can't find a specific shot? Stock Footage Research is also available on a per diem basis. We conduct contemporary and historical subject searches in libraries worldwide and can negotiate rates for you.
Media Asset Consulting including Video and Film Library Organization: Start a new library from scratch or re-organize an existing collection. Services include: evaluation of commercial databases, including digital asset management solutions, with recommendations for purchase, determination of metadata fields, hardware recommendations, storage space evaluation, creation of library policies and procedures, and personnel searches to find full or part-time librarians. Clients include AT&T, American Express, and Lucent Technologies.
Research: Can't find a specific shot? Stock Footage Research is also available on a per diem basis. We conduct contemporary and historical subject searches in libraries worldwide and can negotiate rates for you.
Media Asset Consulting including Video and Film Library Organization: Start a new library from scratch or re-organize an existing collection. Services include: evaluation of commercial databases, including digital asset management solutions, with recommendations for purchase, determination of metadata fields, hardware recommendations, storage space evaluation, creation of library policies and procedures, and personnel searches to find full or part-time librarians. Clients include AT&T, American Express, and Lucent Technologies.
Soundtrack Supervision and Consulting
From music direction and selection to design and production packaging of all soundtrack elements, audio is a major component of a successful production. TimeSteps partner, Rob Lieberman, has a rich background in soundtrack production spanning close to 20 years of experience.
He has worked either as a soundtrack supervisor, a music supervisor, and/or a composer for a diverse range of projects. From feature films and broadcast programs to business communications and commercials, Rob combines his technical and music experience to effectively convey the spirit and essence of a film production through sound.
Credits include HBO, PBS, television specials, and independent films. As a composer alone, Rob has scored over 40 projects. He offers his expertise as a soundtrack consultant on a freelance basis. His experience can have a tremendous impact on your project.
He has worked either as a soundtrack supervisor, a music supervisor, and/or a composer for a diverse range of projects. From feature films and broadcast programs to business communications and commercials, Rob combines his technical and music experience to effectively convey the spirit and essence of a film production through sound.
Credits include HBO, PBS, television specials, and independent films. As a composer alone, Rob has scored over 40 projects. He offers his expertise as a soundtrack consultant on a freelance basis. His experience can have a tremendous impact on your project.

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