Sweetwater Video Services offers professional event videography including wedding videography, creation of photo montage videos, DVD and CD duplication, sports / highlight videos, and transfers of videotape and film to DVD. We can edit video and audio, add special effects, and create DVD menus. Sweetwater Video Services uses only top quality, professional DVD/CD stock and duplicating/editing equipment. Whether you need one copy or thousands of copies Sweetwater Video Services is the company for you.
Anyone that has rented a DVD video knows how nice it is to be able to jump right to the part of the video you want to see. Whether that be the beginning or any chapter throughout the video. We enhance the DVD experience by creating custom menus, that could include "play all" or chapter selection. No more fast forwarding to get to your favorite part of the video.
We can help by taking the video you captured and create something fun and interesting to watch. Often we have much more video than we have time to sit and watch; 20 minutes alone of your son or daughter opening one gift. We can create short clips to send or upload to friends and family. We could take several tapes from a given year and create a "Year in Review" taking only the best pieces of your video. If appropriate, we can add background music and add titles of the event to preserve your legacy.
Most people have pictures everywhere around the house, the older they are, chances are they don't look as good as they used to. We can take your photo and lighten, darken, fix color, and remove marks. We can add things into a photo and take things out of a photo. Now you will have a clean digital copy that you can print, email, and preserve for your family.

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